Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find my adventures in crochet with occasional digressions into other crafts, the outdoors, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Crocheters make a lot of projects for charity. We've probably all made a chemo cap or blanket to donate somewhere. Project Pussyhat is a little bit different. On January 21st, the Women's March on Washington is taking place in Washington, DC. Women and men are coming together in a show of solidarity and strength to counter the vile rhetoric of the recent Presidential election. The march supports civil rights for all people - women, people of color, native peoples, the disabled, the LBGQTIA community. In support of the march, the Pussyhat Project was started. Knitters, crocheters, and sewers are urged to make a pink hat with "pussy ears." You may have seen other hats with this design. Instead of decreasing in size from the brim to the crown, it's the same circumference all the way up. The top is seamed straight across so the two points form "ears" when you wear it.
The hats are being sent to Washington for marchers to wear or being worn at local sister marches on the same day. They'll not only keep the marchers warm, they'll present a dramatic visual statement. Pink is considered a feminine color. We're hoping the marches will be a sea of varying shades of pink to symbolize the power of all the gathered women. Any of you who know me, know that pink isn't my favorite color, but I made a hat and will wear it at my local march. There are several crochet patterns for this hat. Some are linked from the Pussyhat Project website. I found one on Ravelry that I really like. It's the Crochet Pussyhat by Gina Langridge. We only have 10 days left, but there's still time to make a hat and either donate it to a march or join a march yourself. Make 2 hats and find a friend to join you!